Rookie Ski Camps

Learn the what, why, and how to progress your skiing skills from intermediate through to advanced with our world class coaches who have a combined total of over 35 years experience at teaching people how to maximise their skiing.  We are flexible, versatile and have a broad open-minded understanding of ski technique and how to develop skiers so they can reach their full potential.

A good ski instructor can seamlessly move between a variety of snow conditions and terrain without changing equipment and still make it all look effortless - how would you like to be able to do the same?

What’s exciting for us is that we now get to share our philosophy with you - whether it be developing your first ever parallel turns on the groomers, learning to carve, gaining confidence on steeps and ungroomed terrain or taking your first ever turns in the  powder - the fundamental skills are the same.


What to expect in your Advanced Camp?

An INSPIRATIONAL LEARNING ENVIRONMENT is the name of the game - our trainers are the best in the business at keeping things Safe, Fun and getting you to Achieve your goals.

We focus on SKILLS BASED TRAINING as the foundation of our Advanced Camps. Building the core fundamentals of skiing through specific drills, tactical advice and varied terrain experience we will have you tackling any given situation on any given slope.

The Social aspect plays an important role in you getting the most out of your week, hanging out with passionate like-minded people just adds to the experience. Even when the course is over you will be part of the ROOKIE NETWORK for life and those connections you make on course will stay with you for ever.

The Via Lattea offers long uncrowded slopes and legendary off-piste terrain so you will clock up plenty of MILEAGE and lots of vertical meters helping you to reinforce the changes you make each day.

We train 5 days a week (Sunday - Monday - Tuesday and Thursday - Friday ) TRAINING 5 HOURS A DAY. Each training day consists of a 3 hour session in the morning and 2 hours in the afternoon. This on-snow training is backed up with off snow clinics and technical analysis sessions.

I have had some coaching before but Josh and Harry really helped to make significant differences in my angulation and control, their ability to help me make body movement changes was really very impressive. I would recommend them highly.
— Andy, Australia

For information on choosing the right equipment, click here!

Refer to our FAQ page here for the answers to any of your questions